Comic Store Profile: Krazzy Comics

Allen Harrington opened Krazzy Comics in 2018. Together, with the help of his wife, Nia, he has turned his shop into a fun hangout for geeks of all kinds, with functional arcade games, a comfy couch, and even a kid’s corner with activities. Find out a bit about what Allen loves about comics and what it’s like owning a comic shop.

1. What was the first comic you remember buying?

The first comics I can remember buying were X-Men 2099 #1 and Spider-Man 2099 #1.

2. Where did you get your comics growing up and what made you want to run your own comic shop?

I used to get my comics from the British Papermill. I’ve always been into comics and the stories they can tell. My wife was my motivation. She was the one who suggested I open my own store and has been with me every step of the way.

3. How did you choose the name of the shop?

That was easy. I’m Krazzy about comics!

4. What is the most interesting part of owning a comic shop?

Dealing with all the behind the scenes work. The last year has been an adventure dealing with major publishers changing distributors. Also, seeing the books that come through the door when someone is selling their collection. I love talking with customers and hearing what they are reading.

5. What is the prized comic of your collection? Is there a comic you would love to own, but don’t?

My most prized comic is my copy of Fantastic Four #53. That was the book I got signed when I met Stan Lee. He married me and my wife the night before he signed it and it has very strong memories tied to it. As far as a book I would love to own, there are three. Being a huge X-Men fan, I would love to have Uncanny X-Men #1, Giant-Size X-Men #1 and The Incredible Hulk #181 (the first appearance of Wolverine).

6. What changes have you seen in the comics world over the years, both on the production and fan side of things?

On the production side, it would be the rise of variant covers and the current shake up in distributors. On the fan side, it would be the amount of people who have gained interest from the comic related media. TV shows and movies have peeked the interest of a lot of people when it comes to comics. Plus, every streaming service wants a piece of the comic world. The MCU has shown the success that these characters can have.

7. Who are some of your favorite national artists? Local artists?

Nationally, I’ve always been a fan of Alex Ross. Mark Brooks is awesome. Also, I love when Pepe Larraz does anything X-Men.

Locally, I’m a fan of Victor Dandridge, Michael Neno, David Cordett, Michael Watson, my cousin Union Harrington, and Ren McKinze even though he recently moved out of state.

8. Who is your favorite character?

That’s a hard one. Younger me would have said Spider-Man or the Flash. I found that there are a lot of characters that I love, especially X-Men, like Wolverine, Kate Pryde, Magneto, and Storm. I also like Mark Grayson, Atom Eve, and Allen the Alien from the Invincible series, Ghost-Spider, and Guts from the Berserk series. Also, Legoshi from Beastars. It’s hard to pick just one character.

9. What comic series/graphic novel/etc. would you recommend to someone who was just starting to get into comics and why?

The History of the Marvel Universe or Alex Ross’s Marvels both give a quick rundown of the Marvel Universe. If you know what character you like, or think you may like, grab the first volume of one of their trades.

10. What has you most excited about the future of comics?

The thing I’m most excited for is how many people will be introduced to all the amazing and awesome characters and stories. The rise of movies and TV shows based off of comics will help bring in a lot of new fans.

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